Robert Reich (Inequality, Productivity, and WhatsApp).
Think about it. Nineteen billion dollars divided by 55 people is 345 million each. Even if you give half to the top two guys and divide the rest among the others, that averages 179 million each. So how many new jobs are created by all this money. How many of these new multimillionaires are going to hire more than a nanny, a gardener, a cook, maybe a personal trainer? This wonderful big business deal might produce maybe 300 new jobs? Call it 3 thousand. Makes no difference to the 20 million or so Americans who would like to have a job but don’t.
But we wouldn’t dare to ask these new multimillionaires for higher taxes so we could repair the roads, bridges, power grid, and other infrastructure that they as well as we depend on. We wouldn’t even dare to borrow the money (that they’re not using for anything else) from them at zero interest.