What America’s police departments don’t want you to know – The Washington Post

What America’s police departments don’t want you to know – The Washington Post.

“According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, in 2013 there were 461 “justifiable homicides” by police

Four paragraphs down:

“Most cops perform capably and honorably in a stressful, dangerous job; 27 were killed in 2013, according to the FBI”

That’s a 17 to 1 ratio.  Whose fear is justified?


Here’s how you know Obama’s net neutrality proposal MUST be great – Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

Here’s how you know Obama’s net neutrality proposal MUST be great – Notes & Errata by Mark Morford.

“…yet more evidence of the special dark magic the Republicans are so famous for: Making a hugely fair, smart idea seem poisonous, often to the exact demographics it would benefit the most.”

“…the rich, white overlords remain sort of masterful at convincing the easily confused that what they really need is the absolute worst thing for them.”

Yet more evidence of the pathological gullibility of the voters.  Sigh.


The big “middle class” rip-off: How a short sale taught me rich people’s ethics – Salon.com

The big “middle class” rip-off: How a short sale taught me rich people’s ethics – Salon.com.

Tell it, brother!  Why in the world do “middle class” Americans vote Republican?  What would it take to get people to at least vote in their own interest?  If you don’t derive almost all of your income from investments, you’re working class.  Well, unless you can get your board to vote you a million-dollar raise any time you like.  Just because you have $100K in a 401(k) doesn’t make you an “investor” if you still have to go to work every day.  You’re working class, and you should be voting for government policies that benefit people who have to (or would like to) work for a living.  You’re a lot closer in the pecking order to the Wal-Mart Associates than to the Jamie Dimons of the American class structure.


Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic Abuse Problem Than the NFL – The Atlantic

Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic Abuse Problem Than the NFL – The Atlantic.


One of the commenters, responding to another:


“Additionally, while there are many fine officers,”

JL: If true, why do they not turn in the bad ones….whether for domestic violence, racial profiling, police corruption, etc., etc., etc.?!
Hence, there are very few good ones.


Portable Computers

This is something I’ve wondered about for a long time.  There was some validity to the idea back when Compaq first made the idea of a portable computer popular, but that was back before personal computers were ubiquitous, and before the world was networked.  When Microsoft discovered networking in 1995 the idea of a portable computer should have just withered and died.  In a time when a very serviceable workstation computer costs less than the desk to put it on, much less the network infrastructure to support it, why in the world would anyone want to lug the damned thing around with them and risk it being dropped, broken, or stolen?  Particularly if it has “secret” files on it, or files that are not easily replaced?

If the problem is that one’s computer is personalized, well come on now.  That’s a problem that’s easily resolved with a USB flash memory.  Or better still, something like the Plan 9 filesystem, that was proven technology over 20 years ago.